12:00 PM12:00

Spring luncheon and annual meeting

Our speaker will be Cheryl Monroe, a licensed adult educator and gardener who will be presenting “Clematis: Queen of the Vines.”  Ms. Monroe, who grows close to 100 Clematis species and hybrids in her one -acre Massachusetts garden, will introduce us to the variety and versatility of these beautiful plants and share design tricks that can be used in any type of garden.  

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9:30 AM09:30

Welcome to Our Nation's Capital

Welcome to Our Nation's Capital

Tuesday, January 23rd

9:30AM, Wayland
Delight in the charm of Washington D.C. Our tour guide, Maureen Bovet, lived there for ten years and will take us on a photo tour of the gardens and park in the Mall, in leafy Georgetown, and on the grounds of George Washington's Mt. Vernon.

Maureen will distribute a hand-out with a list of all the  gardens so you can be your own tour guide if you decide to visit. 

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